Detroit Lions Thanksgiving Halftime Show Since 2008 NG9 has been on the Super Bowl Halftime Show production team. Supervising over 500 personnel to conduct the no-simple-task of Detroit Lions Thanksgiving Halftime Showchacier2025-02-24T17:36:04+00:00
Daft Punk Alive Tour Daft Punk's Alive Tour Daft Punk’s legendary Alive Tour of 2006/2007 has gone down in history as groundbreaking. The level of technology Daft Punk Alive Tourchacier2019-06-11T22:03:16+00:00
Kevin Hart Tour Kevin Hart Tour Producing a 12 month international tour for the world’s greatest comedian who sells 50,000 tickets a week is no Kevin Hart Tourchacier2019-05-24T21:28:12+00:00
Super Bowl Halftime Show Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim. Super Bowl Halftime Showchacier2019-05-24T21:29:13+00:00
MTV Video Music Awards MTV Video Music Awards Never wishing to do things the “traditional”, or “normal” way, MTV came to us with the notion MTV Video Music Awardschacier2019-05-24T20:16:10+00:00